Traditional Tuesday

Started September 20, 2011. Hosted by Jenifer Dick on her blog Forty-Two Quilts
New blocks will be posted every Tuesday.

Traditional Tuesday Group Pool on Flickr

Jenifer's Blog Page linking all the blocks to date is here

I am making mine in browns and pinks and making two of each block.

My first block (I made two).  It came out a little scant so I will make them again with larger components.  Maybe my seam allowance is a couple of threads too generous.

And to make sure I don't use the fabrics in anything else, I've given them a home.

Update:  Block # 1

I made another two blocks for my Traditional Tuesday Sampler.  I did determine that my seam allowance was a couple of threads off, but increased the components by 1/8" anyway. There wasn't much to trim off to make the blocks 6.5" square.  I've tagged the first two blocks as rejects and will either toss them in the orphan bock bin, or piece them into the backing.

Week 2 - Block 2

Well, I blew it!  I read the construction instructions, then turned off the computer and went searching for pinks and browns in my 1.5" strip bin.  But I didn't remember to cut them thinner.  I left them at 1.5" - so didn't get as many trips around the block as Jenifer's pattern suggested.  And that meant I had to trim off the last round.  I was going to just leave it, but after taking the pic, I'm not satisfied with the results.  (Sigh)  At this rate, I'm going to have an entire backing pieced with rejected blocks.

I can go days, weeks, sometimes months without making big boo-boos.  Lately, I can't seem to go hours.  Ah well, this too shall pass.  Anyway, here's the blocks I made today.

And all my blocks to date.

Update - Block 2
I did remake the week 2 blocks.  And I love them.  Using 5 browns and 5 pinks makes the block more textural and I went to some pains to square them after each fabric addition.

Week 3

I didn't make any mistakes on these blocks.  Hooray!

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7 (alternate blocks)
I skipped the spooky Hallowe'en block this week, as I want my finished quilt to read as a sweet and repro-style.

Week 8

Blocks to date at Week 8

Week 9